Welcome to Pluto's Infographics
We are dedicated to helping your dogs through education. We are slowly building up a library of user-friendly information to benefit all dog caregivers. If you'd like to learn more about an area of dog behaviour, please get in contact and we'll do our best to produce a new infographic to help

Aversive equipment and methods are those that cause pain and or fear in animals. Sadly, many aversive tools are marketed as gentle when they are actually incredibly harmful (as documented in many scientific studies over the years).

Did you know a waggy tail does not always mean a happy dog?

Use this handy guide to decipher your dogs body language using MEET

Do you know just how harmful dog waste is?
Our Partners + Affiliates
Pluto's Pet Care + Training Support®️ is proud to working alongside these positive only, small businesses. Please enjoy exclusive discounts for all Pluto's dogs